Ingredients: Organic Chamomile Flowers
Soft, comforting, and mild tasting this versitile herb is helpful in soothing nerves, calming digestion (cramping or constipation), and reducing inflammation.
Our in-house blends with Chamomile: Digestive Tea, Be Calm & Sleep Tea, Stress Support Tea, Peace & Cinnamon Tea, and NamasTea
"Dr. Lauren's Teas" are formulated by Dr. Lauren (Wedlock) Brown, Naturopathic Doctor and hand blended at The Root Natural Health Clinic (www.theroot.ca)
Medical Disclaimer: Consult a Naturopathic Doctor prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, if you are taking regular pharmaceutical medication, or have a chronic medical condition. Consumption of this product does not replace medications provided by your healthcare provider
* These statements have not been evalulated by Health Canada