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Lemon Balm 50g

Lemon Balm 50g

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Ingredients: Organic Lemon Balm

Without being in the citrus family (it's actually in the mint fam'), this versitile herb has a lemon-like taste and is helpful in soothing nerves, calming digestion, and fighting viral infections. 

Our in-house blends with Lemon Balm: Lemon Lift Tea, Cold & Flu Tea, Fever Tea, Be Happy Tea, Cough Syrup Tea



"Dr. Lauren's Teas" are formulated by Dr. Lauren (Wedlock) Brown, Naturopathic Doctor and hand blended at The Root Natural Health Clinic (

Medical Disclaimer: Consult a Naturopathic Doctor prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have low thyroid function, if you are taking regular pharmaceutical medication, or have another chronic medical condition. Consumption of this product does not replace medications provided by your healthcare provider
* These statements have not been evalulated by Health Canada